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Online Event

Client Risk Assessment Workshop

Location: National (online)
Event start date: 19/06/2024
This course will walk you though how to complete a risk assessment to identify causes, enable effective risk management strategies to be put in place and meet Quality Standards.

Office version of Infection, Prevention and Control

Location: National (online)
Event start date: 1/01/2028
This course is essential for office employees in care-sector settings, including both head office and back-office roles. It equips them with the knowledge to follow safe work practices and effectively...

Good Working Relations for Managers and Supervisors

Location: National (Online)
Event start date: 1/01/2028
This course is designed to provide managers, supervisors and team leaders with an understanding about workplace bullying and harassment and how to prevent and manage these issues.

Fire, Security and Emergency Response

Location: National (online)
Event start date: 31/12/2099
This e-Learning course covers the requirements under WHS Regulation 2011 and contains important knowledge for every organisation.

Transporting Clients

Location: National (online)
Event start date: 31/12/2099
This course is essential for staff and individuals responsible for assisting clients and driving company or accessible vehicles. It provides crucial training to ensure safety while transporting individuals...

Incident Reporting eLearning

Location: eLearning
Event start date: 31/12/2099
Available now, self-paced: Learn what scenarios a support worker, or their organisation, needs to report an incident to the NDIS Commission.

Epilepsy: Minimising the Risk

Location: eLearning
Event start date: 31/12/2099
Available now, self-paced: This course looks at possiblerisks in the home, outdoor and work environments. The interactive activities demonstrate practical ways...

Infection, Prevention and Control – Disability Settings

Location: eLearning
Event start date: 31/12/2099
Available now, self-paced: This eLearning course equips workers with the knowledge required to prevent and control infection according to current Work Health Safety...

Let's Talk Disability eLearning: Disability Awareness

Location: National
Event start date: 31/12/2099
Available now, self-paced: Disability awareness eLearning that has been developed entirely by people with lived experience of disability and offers modules that are perfect for...

Observing and Recording Seizures and Other Events

Location: eLearning
Event start date: 31/12/2099
Available now, self-paced: This online course is for disability workers and health care professionals who need to ensure their observation and documentation skills are accurate and...